Welcome to Powder Paradise

Would you like to discover an area that receives the driest powder in Japan?

Would you like to ski or snowboard with no crowds?

Would you like to ride with like minded people in a

relaxed atmosphere and don't mind some Japanese culture?

If you answered YES to these questions, you have

found the right tour.

We love powder!

Powder is everywhere in Central and Northern Hokkaido, even on the runs.

If you are looking for the deepest and steepest, we can take you there as well.

Why come to Asahikawa in Central Hokkaido?

  • best snow powder in japan


    Central Hokkaido receives an average of 8 to 10 metres of the driest powder on the planet between December and March.

  •  Best Onsen in Asahikawa


    Central Hokkaido has many onsens where you can relax in soft water, fuelled by volcanic activity.

  •  best Food in Asahikawa


    With more than 2000 restaurants and bars in Asahikawa, the choice is endless. Ramen, sushi, Izakaya, Genghis Khan BBQ, Donburi…

  • culture

    200 years ago the Ainu were the indigenous people of Hokkaido. You can learn more about this culture in Asahikawa where a whole museum is dedicated to them.

Why come with us?

We love Japan especialy central Hokkaido

Experience JAPOW like a local with our small tour group.

We’ll take you to the best spots, away from the crowds, and we’ll make sure you shred.

We chase snow storms and avoid the more popular spots, so you can enjoy the powder and the company.

We have a deep knowledge of the area and would love to share it with you!

best powder in japan
best hotel in Asahikawa

Our offer for 2025

By clicking on the BOOK button below, you will discover different tours for 2025.

So if you are a skier or a snowboarder and uncrowded powder runs is what you want to ride, we have a tour for YOU!

What is a typical day like in Fab’s Powdertrip Tour?

  • 7am Wake up

  • 7am-8am Japanese and Western breakfast

  • 8am-9am Jump in the vans and drive to resorts . We have the choice of 11 different resorts so it all depends on the weather. We chase storms or the storms chase us.

  • 9am-3pm Ski or ride. Each location has restaurants and places to relax and be warm.

  • 3pm to 4pm Drive back to the Hotel. If we see a second hand store on the way, we’ll stop. If someone needs to go shopping in a supermarket we’ll stop

  •  After 4pm Most guests will take the opportunity to soak in the Onsen before going out for dinner locally.

  • The accommodation is located in the centre of Asahikawa, there are many restaurants within 10mn walk, open until late.

  • Next day repeat.

snowboards and skis for powder in Hokkaido
friendly ski tour in Hokkaido